Why should a company have a website? When a web agency hears this question asked, one thing is very clear, namely that the person, with whom you are dealing at that moment, has no perception of how the world is moving thanks to the internet phenomenon.
To give you an idea of the tremendous impact the internet has had around the world, think that in 2000, around 361 million people were online around the world. In 2014 it reaches over 3 billion. To date we can say that almost half of the world is online, with even more impressive figures in Europe that sees citizens connected, even, to more than one mobile line each. Statistics tell us that people spend over 30 hours a month online.
What do they do? They argue on social media, share content, research information, and most importantly, they do online shopping! Most carry out these activities either during the lunch break or after 20:00, which is two time slots in which many activities close the shutters.
Those who have an online business offer a very important service, above all, to those who during the day, for work or family commitments, do not have the material time to go to the store.
We have not yet listed the benefits a business can reap from a website, but what has been said so far should suggest something to you.
There are a lot of connections during the evening hours and that means that all of these people could become your potential customers.
The most common reasoning is the following: “I have been in business for a long time and in one of the main streets of the city! I have my own customer base…. everyone in the area knows me! "
Very well! This is important, but, many businesses, despite being reluctant to create a website, recognize the value and importance of advertising, because they invest in print advertising, perhaps by placing billboards with the brand of their company in the area where the business is based.
So why not bring your business to the web? The benefits are incredible!
Having a site on the web means:
- make your showcase visible to the world 24 hours a day, including holidays;
- advertise by reducing the material costs of flyers and billboards which, in addition to being expensive, obtain purely local visibility;
- make your products known beyond territorial borders and web users will look for you;
- it is the best way to build customer loyalty;
- it is a way to understand if a product can have a good following or just be an expense.
Remember that a website it is the best tool that an entrepreneur can have in his hands to amplify his business. The secret to a company's success is looking at the opportunities of the future!
"There are two things that will never come back: an arrow shot and a missed opportunity"
(Jim Rohn)
An activity that does not keep up with the times sooner or later will have to deal with its choices.
A sacrosanct truth is that the site is generally the first form of contact a user has with the company. A well done portal is a great opportunity to create business.