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EcommerceWeb Projects

The New Look of Bicroma

Bichrome: the New Look for Natural Beauty

We carried out the recent restyling of Bicroma's e-commerce site, a company that embodies the passion for the artisanal production and sale of cosmetics based on natural active ingredients. Thanks to Digife's attention to detail and expertise, Bicroma's new institutional website stands out for its total responsiveness, multilingual, variety of payment methods and captivating promotions.

Expression of Craftsmanship and Nature
The new Bicroma website is much more than just a place of sale: it is an experience that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and nature. Each page conveys the love and dedication that Bicroma puts into the creation of its cosmetics, offering users an engaging journey into its philosophy of natural beauty.

Responsiveness to the Service of the User's Convenience
We understand that today's customers want flexibility and convenience when shopping online. For this reason, we have made the Bicroma website completely responsive, guaranteeing a smooth and pleasant browsing experience on any device, whether it is a desktop computer, a smartphone or a tablet.

Multilingual to Unite Cultures
Beauty has no linguistic boundaries, and so we have made the Bicroma website accessible to a wide range of customers from all over the world, offering a complete multilingual translation. Now, lovers of natural beauty can access the site in multiple languages, thus expanding Bicroma's global reach.

Different Payment Methods for Maximum Flexibility
To make the shopping experience even more convenient, we have implemented a variety of safe and reliable payment methods on the Bicroma website. Customers can now choose from multiple payment options, providing greater flexibility and convenience during the purchasing process.

Enchanting Promotions to Incentivize Purchases
In addition to the restyling of the site, we worked closely with Bicroma to create a series of irresistible promotions for the sale of its products. Thanks to special discounts, limited-time offers and exclusive promotions, we have helped to encourage purchases and make Bicroma's natural beauty shine even more.

Visit the Bicroma website