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What will be the future of AI? OpenAI and the firing of Sam Altman

By 23 November 2023No Comments

Open AI, one of the leading companies in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), recently made headlines for a series of events involving its CEO, Sam Altman. In just four days, Altman was fired from OpenAI, became leader of a new AI research team at Microsoft, and then returned to his position at OpenAI. 

These developments have raised many questions and speculations. What really happened and why? According to the US media, behind the sudden decision of the OpenAI board to exclude one of its founding members there is research deemed "potentially dangerous" for even all of humanity. Let's try to understand what it is.

The Q-Star Project and OpenAI's General Artificial Intelligence

OpenAI has been working for some time on an ambitious project, Q*, whose goal is to develop artificial super intelligence, also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI). 

Unlike current AIs, which specialize in specific tasks, an AGI could surpass human intelligence in almost every field. There is heated debate among researchers about the appropriateness and safety of pursuing this goal. While some believe it is unattainable or dangerous, others, like Altman, believe it is an achievable and desirable goal.

The Controversial Discovery and Ethical Concerns

Recently, progress in the Q* project appears to have led to a significant discovery, bringing the possibility of true general artificial intelligence closer. However, some OpenAI researchers have expressed concerns about the ethical and safety implications of such a development, fearing that it could pose a threat to humanity. 

These concerns led to the drafting of a letter to the OpenAI board, raising moral questions and requesting in-depth reflection on the project's future steps.

The Board's Reaction and Altman's Firing

The OpenAI board therefore reacted to this situation with drastic decisions, including the dismissal of Altman. Although, officially, the move was justified with accusations of lack of sincerity on Altman's part, perhaps also regarding progress in the field of AGI. The new board formed recently subsequently launched an independent investigation to clarify the causes of the dismissal and the internal tensions, as well as the reasons for the disagreements that the employees showed towards the previous board.

The Return of Altman and the Questions of Transparency

Altman's rapid reinstatement as OpenAI's leader added further mystery to the situation. Although Altman will no longer be part of the new board tasked with investigating recent events, his presence continues to raise questions. 

In particular, the issue of transparency emerges, both within the company and in interactions with the public, regarding the development of technologies that could have a significant impact on humanity.

Final Reflections

These events at OpenAI raise crucial questions about ethics and responsibility in the field of artificial intelligence. While AGI promises technological revolutions, it also brings unprecedented challenges around security, governance, and social impact. The global community, including researchers, policymakers and the public, must be actively involved in the debate on how to manage and regulate these powerful technologies.

In conclusion, the Altman case reflects the complex dynamics at play in the advancement of AI and highlights the importance of balancing innovation and ethical prudence. As the AI industry approaches increasingly ambitious goals, it is critical that transparent and accountable decisions guide the path to the future.

Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligences are becoming more and more commonplace. What will be the future developments? Are AIs really destined to change the world? For better or worse? To get the answers to these and other questions, we just have to wait. 

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