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cryptolocker for the web CTB-Locker

By 24 February 2016No Comments

CTB-Locker for websites

CTB-Locker for Websites is a ransomware that is designed specifically for websites, encrypt their content, and then request their ransom in bitcoin to get the decryption key.

Websites infected with the ransomware agent replace the original index.php or index.html with a new index.php. This new index.php will then be used to encrypt site data using AES-256 encryption and to display a new home page that contains information on what happened to the files and how to make a ransom payment.

The CTB-Locker web page also offers the ability to decrypt two chosen files for free and to send and receive messages with the developer.

If you need to secure your old site or have problems on your platforms, contact us for a free quote.